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Visionary gift endows new Manchester China Institute
有识之士慷慨捐赠 新曼彻斯特大学中国研究院踏上征程

A new £5m donation will allow The University of Manchester to establish a major centre for China studies. It will seek to improve mutual understanding in UK-China relations, and establish a new Chinese culture gallery at the Manchester Museum.

近日,一笔五百万英镑的捐款将促成曼彻斯特大学建立一所英国领先的中国研究院。此项捐款意在寻 求增进英中双边的相互理解,并在曼彻斯特博物馆建成一条中华文化廊。

The donation, by retired Hong Kong businessman, philanthropist and Honorary Graduate of the University of Manchester, Dr Lee Kai Hung is a major investment which will promote world-leading research, community outreach activities, and public lectures in Manchester and China.

此笔捐款是由前香港商人、慈善活动家、曼彻斯特大学荣誉毕业生李启鸿博士捐赠的。它将作为一项 主要投资用于促进世界领先的科学研究、社团拓展相关活动以及在曼彻斯特和中国国内的公开讲座和报告。

It will also create a new ‘Lee Kai Hung Chinese Culture Gallery’ at the Manchester Museum, the largest University museum in the UK, displaying artefacts such as ancient bronze sculptures, carved jade and textiles.

此笔捐款也将用于在全英最大的大学博物馆—曼彻斯特博物馆创建全新的“李启鸿中华文化廊”, 展

With growing links between Manchester and China, and the global significance of Chinese policies such as the ‘One Belt, One Road’ strategy, the Manchester China Institute is set to play a major role in improving understanding between the China and the UK.

曼彻斯特和中国的联系日益加深,中国的“一带一路”等战略决策在全球范围内影响深远,在此形势 下,曼彻斯特中国研究院必将在增进中英互信方面发挥重要作用。

The Centre’s new Director is Professor of Chinese Politics Peter Gries, who has worked extensively on China’s foreign relations.

该研究院的新任院长、中国政治教授葛小伟(Peter Gries)是中国国际问题研究的著名学者。

He said: “The UK and China lie on opposite ends of the Eurasian landmass which is the focus of China’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ policy. Manchester, in particular, has a large Chinese community and historic ties with China which were only strengthened by the visit of President Xi to Manchester and the University in 2015.

他说:“英国和中国分别位于亚欧大陆的两端,是‘一带一路’政策的焦点所在。尤其是曼彻斯特这座城市,有庞大的华人聚居区,在历史上与中国就有密切联系。这一联系在 2015 年习近平主席访问曼彻斯特和曼彻斯特大学以后得到了进一步增强。

“To realise the full potential of UK-China bilateral relations, however, greater mutual trust and understanding are urgently needed. We are therefore extremely grateful to Dr Lee for his generous gift, which is set to put Manchester at the forefront of China studies in the UK.”


As well as research, the Centre will have a particular emphasis on working with the local Chinese community and the thousands of Chinese students in the city. It will also seek to serve local businesses and promote peaceful UK-China relations.

除了科研方面,曼大中国研究院也将特别关注与曼彻斯特当地的华人社区以及成千上万的中国留学生 之间的协作,并且寻求为当地工商业服务,促进英中友好关系的不断发展。

Manchester has more academics engaged in China and China-related studies than almost any other UK university – working on everything from the arts and humanities to health and science.

在曼彻斯特大学,致力于中国相关研究的学术人才的数量超过任何其他英国高校,这些学者活跃于艺 术、人文、健康以及科学等各个领域。

It also has a Confucius Institute which focuses on teaching Chinese. The new Manchester China Institute will be based in its own listed historic building, which will be named in honour of Dr Lee.

曼彻斯特大学也设有孔子学院,主要专注于汉语教学。新成立的曼彻 斯特中国研究院将坐落于英国政府登记在册的历史保护建筑之内,新学院大楼将以李启鸿博士的名字命名。

Dr Lee said: “The development of China-UK relations is a subject very close to my heart, so I am delighted to be able to help create this Institute at The University of Manchester. China’s ties with this city, the university and the many Chinese staff and students make this an ideal place to locate the Institute and the China Gallery.”

李启鸿博士说:“中英关系的发展是我一直关心的课题,因此我非常高兴能够帮助在曼彻斯特大学创 建这所研究院。中国与曼彻斯特这座城市、曼彻斯特大学及其广大师生之间的纽带使得曼彻斯特成为设立中 国研究院和中华文化廊的最理想的地点。”

Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, President and Vice-Chancellor of The University of Manchester said: “We are very grateful to Dr Lee for this gift, which will greatly increase knowledge in a subject of global significance. Alongside the important research outputs, this gift will enable the greater promotion of understanding between the two countries, not least through the programme of outreach and the new gallery at the Manchester Museum.”

曼彻斯特大学校长、爵士南希·罗斯韦尔(Nancy Rothwell)教授说:“我们非常感谢李启鸿博士的馈 赠,它将极大地推进我们对这门具有全球意义的学科的研究。伴随着重大科研成果的问世,特别是通过这个 项目的进行以及曼彻斯特博物馆新的中华文化廊的建立,这笔捐赠将为进一步增进两国之间的相互理解提供 无限可能。”

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